Free Kayaking every weekend!

Come in time and bring your ID to prove you are over 18!

Even if you are beginner, you can kayak for free!

Kayak, paddle provided.

Our Coaches

Best in Town

Johnson Smith

Professional Diver

Smith Hill


Monayna Kruou

Kayak Expert

Events for everyone

Affordable. Flexible.

Our Packages

Croissant caramels halvah liquorice chocolate cake marshmallow donut pie. Pie chocolate halvah macaroon jelly-o cake lollipop. Biscuit donut icing cake pastry soufflé wafer jelly. Sesame snaps cake jujubes danish apple pie pastry sweet roll.

Sesame snaps sesame snaps cupcake gummies marshmallow jelly beans caramels marshmallow chupa chups. Cupcake marzipan croissant biscuit jelly beans.

Ready to book the ride?

Contact Us any time you want.